I enjoy singing songs as well as writing them. Whenever I put on a show based on my books, I always include two or three songs, which is a good excuse for Malcolm to play his beloved guitar to accompany me.
We have made videos of the following songs. Click on a song title to watch.
- What the Ladybird Heard
- Sharing a Shell
- Tyrannosaurus Drip
- Gruffalo in Makaton
- Monkey Puzzle in Makaton
- The Gruffalo’s Child
- A Squash and a Squeeze
- It’s a Little Baby
- There’s an Owl in my Towel
- Jack and the Flumflum Tree
- The Smartest Giant
- The Snail and the Whale
- Cave Baby
- The Flying Doctors song
- Funny Face
- The Fox and the Crow